Hi everyone, and thank you, Kristine, for having me back to do a follow up to my podcast interview.
Since ‘Graveyard of Memories’ was published, my life has been a bit of a rollercoaster of events. I’ve moved to a new house, changed jobs, had the cover of ‘Graveyard of Memories’ redesigned due to cover model issues, finished writing two more books, and have started working on the fourth – all in the space of six months.
There certainly have been a lot of changes, mostly positive ones, in my life over the course of these six months. It took sorting my personal life out and relieving the stress that was affecting my depression and anxiety for me to flourish and find my groove with my writing.
I came to the realization that ‘Graveyard of Memories’ was a story that I was destined to tell. It held a lot of pain, situations, and grief that I had experienced throughout my life. I put all my sorrow, anger, regret, fear and pain into that book, and having it published and putting it out there for everyone to read released a lot of pent up emotions within me and it consequently healed my soul.
Since then, I’ve found it extremely difficult to write or read anything too dark. ‘Graveyard of Memories’ was my outlet for all the darkness I had been holding within me for years. And now, I find myself leaning more towards the contemporary romance and paranormal romance genres than the horror genre.
My next book ‘Pineapple Crush’ is being published on July 7th and is available for preorder on Amazon right now. It’s a contemporary romance part of ‘The Ice Cream Shop Series’ and is being published through Fiery Vision Publishing. It has been an absolute honor to be a part of this series and to work with so many amazing people. I absolutely love the cover that Fiery Vision Graphics designed for this sweet story. Keep an eye out for the entire series which will be published every day throughout July.
‘Grayson Falls’ is my third book and will be published August 5th, also through Fiery Vision Publishing. Francessca Wingfield of Francessca’s PR & Design is the creator of the gorgeous cover, and Nathan Hainline is the cover model. This one is the first in a series of paranormal romances focusing on a supernatural town steeped with intrigue and hot supernatural creatures.
My current work in progress is the second in the ‘Grayson Falls Series’ titled, ‘Cooper’s Heart’ and I’m looking to publish this one by the end of September. The cover will be revealed on Facebook in July, so keep an eye out on Facebook.
I’m also working on a collaboration with someone very special for the third book in the ‘Grayson Falls Series’. This project is top secret for now, but it will be epic and hopefully available to publish in November.
I also have at least nine more projects in the works, all due between December 2019 and December 2022. Let’s just say that I’ve pretty much wiped my social calendar and apart from my day job, am locking myself in my writing cave and throwing away the key! Hahaha!
It is great, though, to be able to express myself in a more positive way through writing about love, romance, hope, and humor. The Universe has a mysterious way of eventually directing you on the right course you’re destined to be on.
So, that’s all from me for now. Thank you for reading, and please check out my links and keep in touch. Thank you again for having me, Kristine, it’s been a pleasure as always.
Graveyard of Memories
Pineapple Crush
Available: 7th July 2019
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